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Staying Close While Separated: Socializing in the New Normal

New normal is a term used today to refer to new habits made to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those of you who have the habit of going to the office to work or going to campus for college ,now have to stay at home to help reduce the spread of the virus. Some people may start feeling restless about having to stay at home without social interaction. Don’t worry, some of the following tips you can do so you can “meet” with friends even when you’re at home:

  1. Lunch date via video call

After not seeing your beloved friend for a long time, you must really miss the activities that are usually done together. For example, just have lunch together. Now, you don’t have to leave the house to enjoy lunch together. Take advantage of the gadgets and technology you have at home to make video calls with your beloved friends and have lunch together. Even if you don’t meet in person, you can still enjoy lunch accompanied by chats and jokes from your dear friends.

  1. Streaming movies with friends

During the new normal, many large buildings are closed to prevent crowds, including malls and cinemas where you usually hang out with friends. No need to be disappointed, because you can try to stream movies together from your respective homes. Now, many movie player applications make the feature of watching movies together while making video calls. You don’t have to wait in line for hours at the cinema outside of your home, you can watch blockbusters with friends from your respective homes.

  1. Saling mengirim hadiah

If you really miss distant friends and relatives, you can send them a package of small gifts. You can cook their favourite dish or bake a cake and have it delivered. Apart from sending food, you can also send other small gifts such as small souvenirs. This way, you can stay close with friends even when you can’t meet.

It is not easy to adjust to these new circumstances. Shifting to a new habit will not be smooth sailing during the implementation of the new normal, causing concerns. Apart from social life, the COVID-19 pandemic has also hampered business and investment. Many types of investment fall at this time, but not with property investment. Even though you are facing a pandemic, investing in property can still benefit you. The need for other things like tourism is decreasing, but everyone still needs a place to live as a fundamental need.

Take advantage of the new normal period to invest in property because it can provide long-term benefits for you. One of them is by buying a residential apartment which is buzzing with enthusiasts. The Parc as a modern South Jakarta apartment can be the best option for you. Apart from being in demand because of its strategic location, The Parc also always comes with various promotions and attractive instalments without burdening prospective residents. Do not get lost in the present and start thinking about the best future for you.

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