SouthCity’s Viewpoint on Digital Branding

Peony Tang as Director of PT. Setiawan Dwi Tunggal was present as one of the spokespersons in the talk show titled “The Future of Branding: How to Connect with Customers” at the Lamudi x Facebook 2019 event which is located at the Facebook head office Jakarta, Thursday, October 31 2019 yesterday.
In this event, it was explained how to build and the importance of branding from the point of view and experience of each top player in various fields, such as Peony Tang as the Director of PT. Setiawan Dwi Tunggal of the most developed 57 hectare project area in South Jakarta, SouthCity; Nicoline Patricia as a creator / influencers / photographer whose work has gone international; and Lamudi as one of the largest property search sites in Asia; and Facebook as the largest social media in the world today.
The enthusiasm of the participants for the event was evident from the large number of participants who attended and the many questions during the event, such as several other property developers, both domestic and foreign, and online and offline media who wanted to know and learn more about the topic of the talk show.