The Head Office of the BPR Bank Operates at SouthCity Square

On September 27, 2019 yesterday, the head office of the People’s Credit Bank or what is often called the BPR was inaugurated at the SouthCity Square A1-3 shophouse. BPR itself is a bank that carries out business activities conventionally or based on sharia principles, which in its activities does not provide services in payment traffic.
The following are some of the People’s Credit Bank business activities:
1. Collecting funds from the public in the form of deposits in the form of time deposits, savings deposits, and or other equivalent forms.
2. Give credit.
3. Provide financing and placement of funds based on Sharia Principles, in accordance with the provisions stipulated by Bank Indonesia.
4. Placing funds in the form of Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI), time deposits, certificates of deposit, and / or savings with other banks.