The Importance of Notaries In The Business World

In the business world, the need for notary services and PPAT is inevitable. The need for notary services and Land Deed Making Officials (PPAT) may vary, from the establishment of a PT, making deeds, legalizing documents, and other services. In fact, not only for business, the need for notary services and PPAT in Jabodetabek also includes personal needs, such as inheritance deeds, grant deeds, transfer of certificate names, checking land certificates and others.
Notary and PPAT services cannot be separated, both when starting and developing a business, for example, your company is engaged in the service or culinary business, if you want to get corporate clients, then you definitely have to have a legal entity umbrella to be bona fide and professional. In addition, in the regulations for tenders or procurement both in government and private circles, there are requirements that a business entity must be in the form of a PT with certain special permits according to its needs.
Notary Nurnaningsih, S.H., M.Kn who is in one of the SouthCity Square shophouses no A1-22 can help you with matters relating to document legalization and other services. Apart from being experienced and transparent, Notary Nurnaningsih, S.H., M.Kn and the team will help provide solutions to all your problems.